Full service consultancy

Set up & optimize drone operations for power line inspection at scale

Our experts help you create a strategy for obtaining quality insights, plan, set up, improve, and train your drone operations team

M300RTK Dynamic
power lines
Smart planning

We help you build in-house operations that deploy optimized strategy and processes to obtain quality insights

Utilize our vast experience in building streamlined, efficient and standardized processes for high-quality drone-based inspections. Within months, you will be running an efficient in-house drone operations team.

Large scale projects

15,000 km

Of power lines for inspection? No problem 

Scaling drone operations and transitioning from using drones for troubleshooting or short-term flights to conducting large-scale inspections can be challenging. Using our services, you can automate the inspection of 5,000 km of power lines in less than 1 second. By leveraging our software, Airpelago Power, your pilots will gain the ability to plan, collaborate, and execute efficient inspections of your grid beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS).

Automated drone automation flight path

Ensure compliance

With our extensive experience and expertise in flight permits and drone technology, we are well-equipped to assist you in establishing your own in-house flight organization that complies fully with regulations for BVLOS flights. Obtaining a BVLOS flight permit is a crucial aspect of building a successful and efficient in-house flight organization, and our software plays a vital role in this process. Designed to adhere to regulations, our software encompasses key features necessary for a flight organization to secure a BVLOS flight permit.

Ensure Project Success

BVLOS application consultancy

We offer consultancy services to assist you in obtaining BVLOS flight authorization when you sign up to use our software. With our focus on standardization and simplifying operational complexity, we are able to provide our consultancy services in a packaged format. This allows for a streamlined and efficient process in acquiring BVLOS flight authorisation.

Drone flight risk assessment and automation
Airpelago Power

Flight automation and project management software

We offer comprehensive software solutions and IT processes necessary for running efficient operations. With Airpelago Power’s software, you can automate and manage large-scale drone inspection projects, ensuring you obtain high and consistent data quality for every pole or tower.

Intelligent automated flight planning – Automate 5,000 km of power line inspections in <1 second
Smart risk assessment and management tools
Operational presets and automatic documentation
Better data and quality insights
Ultimate operations tools for pilots
Secured data management
Constantly improved and updated
Learn more
Powerful drone automation software with Airpelago

Our collaboration process

Contact us
Step 1
Understanding your requirements and unique circumstances

Through a series of workshops, we gain a deep understanding of your organisation, its specific requirements, and unique circumstances.

Step 2
Strategy and plan creation

Based on your needs, we collaborate to develop a comprehensive strategy and plan for setting up and improving your drone operations and inspection team.

Step 3

Together, we execute the strategy and plan, optimizing every aspect to ensure compliance, safety and exceptional data collection.

Step 4
Follow up and continuous training

We establish and monitor essential Key Performance Indicators or KPIs to track progress and continuously improve operations. Based on the results, we provide follow up support, make necessary improvements, and offer ongoing training to foster continuous improvement.

Book a meeting with Sales

Want to know more about Airpelago and our drone automation software? Talk to an expert.

Get in touch

Have a question or want to discuss your needs for power line inspections? Fill in the form or send us an email to info@airpelago.com and we'll get back to you immediately.

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